Toonology is brought to you by a small but perfectly formed team of two, Jacqueline Alexander, the brains, and Simon Ecob, the beauty.
Jacqueline has been working in the digital world for over twenty years and prides herself on having survived this long with her sanity in tact (detractors, shush!). Simon has survived an equally ardous journey in the world of comic illustration although his sanity has been severely impaired.

And how did Sir Geoff Hurst get involved? Jacqueline has been working with Sir Geoff for some years now and she is full of ideas - mainly bad ones but this one slipped through the net. And there's more on the way, you will be able to get tooned in with Sir Steve Redgrave soon along with others who are filed under 'confidential' for now!
So that's how Toonology began but you shouldn't be reading this, you should be getting tooned in! If you want to know more, don't forget, you can contact us if you have any questions. Just click here to send us an email via our contact form.